Addition or Removal of Director

Addition or Removal of Director

  • Inclusive Of Govt. Fees

    WHAT IS Director of Private Limited Company ?

    In India, Private Limited Company is most common type of entity to run business. Private limited Company is artificial legal person created by law so it required a natural person to run its business.  A Company can act only through human beings and it is the Directors who manage the day to day affairs of the Company. As per Companies Act, 2013 a Public Company shall have minimum 3 Directors, Private Company shall have minimum 2 Directors and One Person Company shall have minimum 1 Director. Every type of Company shall have director while taking registration with MCA but sometimes Company may need to appoint some person as a Director or removal of existing directors from the post of Director of the Company.
    Starteasy expert will help you with addition or removal of director.

    Addition / Removal of Director in the Company

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    Who can be a Director in a Company? 

    As Individual or a Living person can become a Director in a Company, an entity or body corporate cannot be appointed as the director of a Company.

    What is the role of a director? 

    The directors are generally responsible for the management and day to day affairs of the Company

    No. of Directors Company can appoint ?

    A Company can appoint maximum 15 Directors and if Company wants to increase the number of Directors more than 15, it can do so by passing Special Resolutions.

    Is Director an employee of the Company ?

    An Executive Directors are the employee of the company, as there will be always binding contract between them and company of their appointment.

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