Change in Registered office

Change in Registered office

  • Inclusive Of Govt. Fees

    The Registered Office is the place of Company where all the communication related to the business is held. Apart from Registered Office, a Company can have corporate office, branch or any other offices. However for Communication purposed with the Company Registered Office in India must be registered with Ministry of Corporate Affairs. At the time of incorporating a Private Limited Company, registered office of the Company have to declare and to submit the relevant documents i.e. utility bill and NOC of owner for using the premises for registered office of the Company. And if Registered Office is not declare at the time of Incorporating Company then Companies Act, 2013 provides an option to declare the temporary address and in that case Company should have to declare its Registered Office by filling INC 22 form within 15 days from the date of Incorporation.

    If the Company wants to raise capital by issue of more shares over the Authorized Capital as specified earlier then amendments needs to be done in the MOA to increase the Authorized Capital.

    Starteasy expert will help you to increase authorized capital.

    How to change Registered Office Address?

    Due to several reasons Companies have to change their Registered Office Address after the incorporation of the Company or after the Registered Office address is declared by filling the INC 22.

    In case of change in the Registered Office address of the Company, it must be intimated to the ROC within 30 days of Change in premises.

    Shifting of the registered office is classified as below:

      •  Change in Registered office address is within the same city or town or village.
      •  Change in Registered office outside the limits of the city or town or village within the same ROC and same state.
      •  Change in Registered office address from one ROC to other within the same state.
      •  Change in Registered office address from one state to another, outside the jurisdiction of existing ROC.

    Depending upon the type of shifting of the Registered Office Companies Act, 2013 has provided procedures to be followed to make change in the address of the Company. To know more about the process of address change of a Registered Office please fill the Enquiry Form above, our Starteasy  Expert will help you to change address of company.

    Click on Get Quotation tab above and fill the details, you will receive required documents list & quotation in few seconds in your mailbox. No charges for requirement document list and Quotation.

      • It is the principal place of business where all the official communication to be made with Company.
      • Yes, Company can shift its Registered Office from one place to another, and there is legal procedure to be follow to change Registered Office address and it vary depending upon type of shifting of Registered office address.
      • Fill the Enquiry Form above, and you will receive the required documents list & quotation in few seconds in your mailbox. No charges for obtaining requirement list and Quotation.
      • Yes, you can use the residential address of any director as a Registered Office address of a Company and in that case it required NOC of such directors having ownership of such premises.
      • ROC must be notified of the change in Registered Office by filing the appropriate documents within 30 days of change of Registered Office premises

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